Why are regular dental checkups vital to oral health and wellness?
Your smile’s health depends on you taking great care of it each and every day. This means brushing at least twice a day, flossing the teeth at least once daily, and eating a healthy diet low in sugars and acids. But did you also know that each time you visit your dental provider for a dental checkup, you also take a proactive approach to oral health and wellness?Â
At Wahlen Dentistry, our team of professionals helps Perry, Utah, patients understand why cleaning and examinations at the dental office are critical to maintaining the smile’s health!
Why do I need regular cleanings and evaluations for my smile?
Drs. Jennifer Wahlen and John Torghele of Wahlen Dentistry encourage patients to request a consultation visit to learn more about the importance of routine visits to the dental office to achieve healthier, more beautiful smiles. These appointments play a unique role in preventing problems from occurring, allowing patients to be more “proactive” to their oral health needs instead of “reactive.”Â
Our providers will educate patients on how the early detection of problems such as periodontal disease or tooth decay can allow them to treat the issue early on and improve their chances of maintaining their natural teeth for life!
How often should I visit the dentist and why?
We invite patients to come into our office at least twice a year for a dental cleaning and evaluation, and here’s why! When you see our professionals for an examination and dental cleaning, you are preventing problems from happening that can occur between visits, including the formation of cavities or periodontal disease.
How do I find out more about regular dental exams?
If it has been a while since you’ve had an examination and cleaning, or if you are changing dental providers, we invite you to call Wahlen Dentistry of Perry, UT, at (435) 246-4602 to schedule your first appointment.
We are a judge-free zone and are here to help you pick up where you left off and start taking steps toward a healthier smile!